Author: Pastor David

theWord Modules on Cults

These are general theWord modules dealing with cults generally, not necessarily specifically with a single cult.

Note: I have uploaded an excellent work on abusive churches by Enroth (PDF format).
EnrothRecovering from Churches that Abuse (See at bottom of this post for more recommendations)

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theWord Antichrist Library twm

theWord Antichrist Library twm

Antichrist Library twm
By David Cox

This library for the free software program theWord at It contains various works on or about that man of sin, the antichrist. This is properly a subdivision of Eschatology, but because of the importance of this topic and the fact that writers have found its importance to be such that they write separate works just on the Antichrist, it is included as a separate library.

The antichrist is one of the key characters of the end times (eschatology). He is a pawn of Satan, but at the same time, he is just as self-deceived as Satan is, and his personality is an exact image of Satan himself. “THE” antichrist is the one in prophecy that will oppose God in the end times after the rapture. But there are many antichrists which oppose Christ, God and in character, motives, and actions they are the opposite of Christ. They seek to plant the seed of Satan in people and in history. They are the opponents of Christ, or the “anti” of Christ.

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theWord Commentaries 1-2-3 John

theWord Commentaries 1-2-3 John

theWord Commentaries 1-2-3 John
By David Cox

These are all commentaries on one or more of the epistles of John. Within theWord program, you can search for modules (make a module set) looking for the keyphrase (1jncmt) or (2jncmt) or (3jncmt). This will help you lock down all the modules that are just commentaries of one of John’s epistles, 1st John, 2nd John, or 3rd John. This is very helpful in doing searches on only part of a theWord library instead of all of it.

If you are going to search these epistles for comments, I would recommend Simpson and Alexander first.


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theWord Church Modules

Zip Packs of theWord church modules.

theWord church modules. In this set of zip packs, we present to you works dealing with the church, both local and universal. Here you will find works on the composition of the church, different aspects about it, what is the church’s mission, what are the officers, elements, and practices of the church, etc.

Note that because of Google, I have removed “(church)” from the results below because it would be considered key-word stuffing.


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theWord NT Commentaries 1-2 Thessalonians

theWord NT Commentaries 1-2 Thessalonians

theWord NT Commentaries 1-2 Thessalonians
By David Cox

These are all commentaries on one or more of Paul’s epistles to the church at Thessalonia.

Note that the key phrases in brackets and parentheses () {} like (1pemt) and (2pecmt) are key phrases used to help you make a module set, and get to just these commentaries in a module set so you can quickly flip back and forth between these commentaries on the same books you are studying. You can see my post on where I explain making these module sets in detail for your benefit and ease in searching your theWord module library.

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