theWord Christian Biographies Library

Christian Biographies

Christian Biographies. In this library we examine different people (outside of the Old and New Testament) that were influential or important people in Christianity, giving the biography of their life and ministry.

These works on Christian biographies can be in any denomination or thought group, and some are more generalized as an overview of many different thought groups or denominations. I have not filtered these Christian biographies as far as good people versus bad people (from my point of view) I am simply offering these as a study material resource so that you have access to material for whomever you wish to study. Continue reading

theWord Books by Thomas Boston

Thomas Boston

Thomas Boston (1676–1732) was a Scottish clergyman. He was born at Duns. His father, John Boston, and his mother, Alison Trotter, were both Covenanters. He was educated at Edinburgh, and licensed in 1697 by the presbytery of Chirnside. In 1699 he became minister of the small parish of Simprin, where there were only 90 examinable persons; previously, he was a schoolmaster in Glencairn. In 1704 he found, while visiting a member of his flock, a book brought into Scotland by a commonwealth soldier. This was the famous Marrow of Modern Divinity, by Edward Fisher, a compendium of the opinions of leading Reformation divines on the doctrine of grace and the offer of the Gospel, which set off the Marrow Controversy.
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