theWord Calvinism Reformed Library.

Calvinism Library

In theWord Calvinism Reformed Library. theWord zip library, I present to you various books on Calvinism, basically dangers of it. These books are about Calvinism, and many works by people like Boettner (who is a Calvinist) do not have the tag “Calvinism” on them. I tag them as “Reformed”. If you want pro-views please search for “Reformed” works.

Note that I had to change the actual filenames for this internet webpage, substituting “calvin-ism” for “calvinism” for SEO purposes. In the actual zip file, all “calvin-ism” is “calvinism”.

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theWord Creeds Pack

theWord Creeds Pack

theWord Creeds Pack
By David Cox

In this pack, I am including various creeds and doctrinal affirmations from different persuasions, but mostly Calvinist-Reformed perspective. This is because they are the most proficient at making, using, and demanding doctrinal creeds. I consider any catechism the same as a creed or confession of faith.

Some of these in the theWord Creeds Pack are not Calvinist-Reformed by the way. The Athanasian Creed is from the first centuries of the church, and it is an affirmation of the trinity. Martin Luther’s catchecisms are a basic document of the Reformation, and although Luther is the founder of the Lutheran Church, his creed or confession or catechism is basically a denouncing of Roman Catholicism. The Baltimore Catechism is Roman Catholic so that you can see how it compares with the many protestant confessions here.

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