theWord Atonement Library TWM (updated 5/15/24)

theWord Atonement Library

theWord Atonement Library
By David Cox

The theWord Atonement Library is a set of modules that deal directly with the atonement, or propitiation, which is Jesus Christ’s substitutionary death on the cross in payment for our death in eternity in hell. Hell is the place of God’s wrath on men and angels souls that disobey God. Only through believing on Jesus as your personal Savior (after having acknowledged your sinful condition and repenting of that), can you be saved.

This “being saved” is essentially Jesus stepping in between the judgment of God on your sin, between you the sinner and God the judge, and Jesus actually suffers for your sins. This he did on the cross. If you believe and trust, placing your confidence on Jesus Christ to be your penal substitute, then you will be saved.

As such, this is atonement. There are other theories of atonement that differ from this biblical view of atonement and it is very important that one has a correct view of the atonement in order to be saved.

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