Zipped TW Pack

theWord Atonement Library TWM

theWord Atonement Library

theWord Atonement Library
By David Cox

The theWord Atonement Library is a set of modules that deal directly with the atonement, or propitiation, which is Jesus Christ’s substitutionary death on the cross in payment for our death in eternity in hell. Hell is the place of God’s wrath on men and angels souls that disobey God. Only through believing on Jesus as your personal Savior (after having acknowledged your sinful condition and repenting of that), can you be saved.

This “being saved” is essentially Jesus stepping in between the judgment of God on your sin, between you the sinner and God the judge, and Jesus actually suffers for your sins. This he did on the cross. If you believe and trust, placing your confidence on Jesus Christ to be your penal substitute, then you will be saved.

As such, this is atonement. There are other theories of atonement that differ from this biblical view of atonement and it is very important that one has a correct view of the atonement in order to be saved.

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theWord counseling modules

theWord counseling modules

theWord counselingtheWord counseling. This zip pack contains theWord counseling modules which explain or present some aspect of Christian counseling, such as a general counseling manual (Torrey’s A Pocket Guide for Christian Workers) or specific problems such as sickness, bereavement, or other problems in life.

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theWord Life of Christ

The Life of Christ

life of Christthe Life of Christ.  I included this sub-category on the Life of Christ to hold specific works on the life of Christ. These are character and historical studies on Jesus Christ in his life here on the earth. Rather than presenting the doctrine of Christ, these works present a more historical presentation of Christ and the details of his life.

Within this broad category, we have the historical facts and events within the life of Christ, also prophecies of these events. Moreover we also have the teaching of Christ, and various special aspects such as the miracles that Christ did, the Parables of Christ, etc. Many of these works look at the impact (from a human standpoint) of the man Christ on earth as he walked the earth.

Many of these additional studies are studies into the curious aspects of Christ’s life. These aspects both reveal the divine nature of Christ as well as the human nature of Christ. These contrasts both prove the deity of Christ (making his work on the Cross valuable to mankind), and the humanity of Christ (making Christ identify fully with us as a human being, therefore fully able to represent us before the grand justice/judgment counsel of God). Continue reading

theWord Bible Characters Library.

theWord Bible Characters Library

theWord Bible Characters Library
By David Cox

This work has works in the format of the Free Bible Program theWord ( which are works on Bible Characters, anything from the men of the Bible, the women of the Bible, children of the Bible, to an individual or small groups of individuals. In general, it deals with Bible Characters in any context. Not that in some cases, there may be works on specific strange things (not Bible Characters) like all the 40s of the Bible, or evening scenes, night scenes, etc.

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theWord Cults Catholicism modules

theWord Cults Catholicism modules are modules for theWord on the false religion of Catholicism.

Catholicism is technically a different religion, but it originally broke from New Testament Christianity to form its own religion which is distinct from New Testament Christianity. This archive has both files from Catholics as well as files about Roman Catholicism. Continue reading

theWord Afterlife Library TWM

theWord Afterlife

theWord Afterlife. My idea of “afterlife” is basically books dealing with death and what happens afterwards. In general, all of these works are in this category under “Eschatology” with Heaven, Hell, Second Coming, Judgment, Condenation, Purgatory, Limbo, Annihilation, (I do not personally hold to the belief in Purgatory, Limbo, nor Annihilation, but the library has works pro and con on them) etc. topics being under Eschatology or their own sub-categories, and death issues being here. Specifically these are preparation for dying, Bible teaching on the afterlife, the continuance of existence of human souls, judgment, etc.

Creation/Last Modified Date: March 6, 2015
Files in red have been changed.

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theWord Edersheim Library

Works of Alfred Edersheim

Edersheim – Sketches of Jewish Social Life.twm
Edersheim, Alfred – Bible History, The, Old Testament.twm
Edersheim, Alfred – Temple – Its Ministry and Service, The.twm
Edersheim-The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah.twm

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theWord Church History Modules

theWord Church History Modules.

theWord Church History. In these zip packs we present to you theWord Modules dealing with church history. These modules would include historical documents in Church History as well as works by those post NT writers up until modern writers.

Note: Part 1 and Part 2 had the wrong files. They are valid theWord modules though, so I am leaving them and changing the download link. Those modules that had different modules are now Part 3 and Part 4.

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theWord Cults Seventh Day Adventists

theWord Cults Seventh Day Adventists pack are modules for the program theWord that deal with Seventh Day Adventists.

theWord Cults Seventh Day Adventists

I am sorry that some of our users are Seventh Day Adventists and may take offense at me considering you as being a cult, but my understanding from my studies is that it is a cult. Ellen G. White considered herself as a prophet and as inspired as Paul, John, or Matthew. So these files are with the warning that her teachings are highly suspect of error. But this zip pack has some of her teachings.

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